Carleton University Canada Scholarship Opportunity for MSc/PhD – Apply Here
With this article, you will be able to register or apply for Carleton University Canada Scholarship for MSc/PhD. Kindly, register now and benefit if you want to do your Masters or Doctor of Philosophy in Canada. See full details below
Carleton University Canada Scholarship Opportunity for MSc/PhD – Apply Here
Carleton University PhD or MSc opportunity in identifying resilient landscapes to mitigate drought and heat-induced species mortality
Climate change significantly affects species performance and survival, leading to drought and heat-induced mortality in some species. The amount and spatial pattern of forests in a landscape may mitigate these impacts by regulating temperature at both forest patch and landscape scales. Research in this area is crucial, given the accelerating rates of forest change worldwide, driven by both deforestation and restoration initiatives.
Your role – We are seeking a Canadian PhD or MSc student to join an exciting, collaborative team of researchers from Carleton University and Environment and Climate Change Canada. The student will lead a study exploring the relationship between the extent and configuration of forest cover and changes in temperature at the landscape scale and will use data on drought and heat-induced species mortality to assess how landscape forest structure can help mitigate climate-induced mortality risk. This project will collaborate with national organizations, such as Tree Canada, to provide important insights for evidence-based decision-making in national initiatives, as the 2 Billion Trees program. The student will have the opportunity to co-develop scientific research, use advanced spatial ecology tools and analyses, and improve conservation policy and practice. The start date for the position is flexible (with September 2025 being ideal). The student will be supervised by Dr. Carmen Galn-Acedo and co-supervised by Dr. Rachel Buxton and Dr. Lenore Fahrig.
Selection Criteria: Essential Skills and Qualifications
- A BSc and/or MSc in biology, environmental sciences or related fields. Relevant work related experience will also be considered.
- Strong research, leadership, and communication skills.
- Coding in R or Python.
- Enthusiasm and kindness.
Candidates with the following skills will be prioritized, though they may also be acquired during the degree:
- Knowledge of Geographic Information Systems and spatial ecology.
- Knowledge of complex quantitative analysis (e.g., hierarchical modelling).
- Experience with big datasets.
How to Apply / Register for Carleton University Scholarship
Application details – Applicants should send the following to Carmen Galn Acedo ( by March 31: 1) Letter of interest summarizing your experience; 2) Curriculum Vitae; 3) Contact details for two references; and 4) University transcripts (unofficial are fine). Please use the subject line Resilient